Certified Child Welfare Supervisor Credentialing

Credentialing Texas Child Welfare Supervisors

Texas Center for Child and Family Services (The Center) and the National Certification Board for Child Welfare Professionals (NCBCWP) have partnered to provide a credentialing program for child welfare supervisors in their regions.  

The supervisors typically manage caseworkers who work directly with children and families involved in the Child Protective Services (CPS) system. The supervisors help manage foster care, adoption, residential treatment, shelters, and other types of care for youth who are victims of alleged abuse or neglect. 

The newly credentialed supervisors will maintain their certification through 20 hours of continued education each year. 

Get all the details about the certification on the NCBCWP website.

The Country's First National Credential for Child Welfare Supervisors

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Visit the National Certification Board for Child Welfare Professionals

Certified Child Welfare Supervisor (CCWS) Page

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