Our Story

The Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services was founded on January 10, 1975. Known by a few names and nicknames over the yearsnotably TACFS (pronounced TACK-FUSS or just spelled out) and the Alliance.” It started as the Texas Association of Licensed Children’s Services (TALCS) by a group of child care and adoption agency directors who hoped to strengthen Texas’ child care laws. 


In 1977, with 21 member organizations, the TALCS Board resolved to hire a part-time secretary through the Methodist Mission Home in San Antonio (at a comfortable rate of $300 per month) help manage the growing mission work of the organization. And by 1980, the association had 53 members and had been deeply engaged in the 65th and 66th Texas legislative sessions after organizing. 

The Association quickly became known as a strong advocate for responsible legislation concerning children’s well-being and established a formidable position at the Capitol.

TALCS was involved with and testified on early issues like the implementation of the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC). They also had intimate involvement in 1970s conversations about foster care rates, minimum standards, and adoption policy. A consistent dialogue between the association and, then, the Department of Human Services (DHS) had been established as well. 


In 1998, the Association instituted a reorganization and took on a new name, Texas Association of Leaders in Children and Family Services, to transition into their new organizational structure. Through reorganization, the membership broadened and created an even larger presence in Texas. 

After reorganizing, the current name, Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services, was adopted and remains the symbol of what the Association represents. And the Texas Center for Child and Family Services (the Center), formed in 2000, the philanthropic arm of the Alliance’s work was formed. 

With TACFS at the forefront of change, Texas child care laws have dramatically improved. Under the leadership of TACFS, Texas child care laws have undergone significant improvements. The Alliance has played a pivotal role in strengthening laws focused on child and family well-being, securing increased funding for children’s services, and driving innovations in service delivery that have been both introduced and refined.

Since the codification of Community Based Care in 2017, the TACFS members know more than ever that anything can be accomplished through mutual assistance and cooperation. Additionally, TACFS now provides stronger services for member agencies on behalf of the children and families who receive their care. Under the growth of former CEO Katie Olse, the Center has grown into an anchor for child and family wellbeing innovation in Texas, becoming the go-to channel for down granting to direct service providers, as well as a facilitation, training, consultation, and collaboration hub. 

Over the years, as our reputation has grown, TACFS has evolved into the premier association for professionals and organizations serving vulnerable children and families in Texas.

Cheers to 50 years!

In 2025, we’re celebrating 50 years of advocacy, education, and collaboration! As we continue this essential work, give to the Texas Center for Child and Family Services to help raise $50,000 for our 50th anniversary.

Your tax deductible gifts  go to the Texas Center for Child and Family Studies (The Center), the 501(c)(3) nonprofit supporting organization of the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services (TACFS).