T3C Ready: Texas Child Care System (T3C) Readiness Workshop – Lubbock

TACFS/The Center will be hosting a series of T3C Readiness workshops in April. Who is invited?  Licensed providers who contract with either DFPS or a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC). These workshops will be an opportunity for providers to start digging into the details on T3C and are meant to help prepare organizations for planning

T3C Ready: Texas Child Care System (T3C) Readiness Workshop – Fort Worth

TACFS/The Center will be hosting a series of T3C Readiness workshops in April. Who is invited?  Licensed providers who contract with either DFPS or a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC). These workshops will be an opportunity for providers to start digging into the details on T3C and are meant to help prepare organizations for planning

T3C Ready: Texas Child Care System (T3C) Readiness Workshop – San Antonio

TACFS/The Center will be hosting a series of T3C Readiness workshops in April. Who is invited?  Licensed providers who contract with either DFPS or a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC). These workshops will be an opportunity for providers to start digging into the details on T3C and are meant to help prepare organizations for planning

Displacing Shame: The Safety of Children and Families Experiencing Problem Sexual Behavior

Children in the child welfare system and those who have been adopted often experience trauma and challenging life experiences that can lead to problematic sexual behavior (PSB). Research highlights a higher prevalence of PSB in these children compared to the general population. However, foster, and adoptive parents, along with their support networks, often lack the

T3C Readiness Workshop – Virtual

This workshop is for leadership staff who are involved in readiness and strategic business planning. This workshop will be an opportunity for providers to start digging into the details on T3C and are meant to help prepare organizations for planning and implementation efforts. We will introduce an online T3C Readiness Assessment Tool that will aid

Alliance for our Futures: Look, Listen! Virtual Workshop

Great relationships are built on communication and trust. Learn how to build trust quickly, improve your listening skills, and deepen your empathy for your peers. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: • Practice listening skills to provide peer support • Practice building trust to deepen relationships • Practice different kinds of listening and managing internal emotions during difficult conversations

Strengthening Residential Care Series: Challenging Behaviors


Our Strengthening Residential Care Series will continue virtually on May 14th from 10:00 a.m. to noon. We will be discussing serving youth with higher needs and some challenging behaviors. We will have a presentation from the State, as well as, a panel with providers. If you are a General Residential Operation, we hope you will

CQI Lab #5: Selecting tools to measure outcomes

The TACFS Systems Advancement team is producing a monthly live series that supports organizations on their journey to implement continuous improvement and evaluation activities that are required in certain T3C service packages. Ten topics that build upon each other have been identified for inclusion in the series. The series will be interactive allowing participants the

Region 10 Community Convening

Please join us for a conversation about how to best meet the needs of children and families who are involved in the foster care system in El Paso.  We will share findings from our newly published Region 10 Community Profile, informed by data and stakeholder interviews. During our time together, we will engage in interactive

T3C Office Hours

The Texas Center for Child and Family Studies and DFPS are excited to partner together to announce virtual T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours will be regularly scheduled and will allow Licensed Providers to drop in and ask any questions you may have about T3C.  Whether you've got a question about T3C Requirements, updated Blueprints,

CBC7 Community Conversation -Belton/Bell County

CBC7 is a collaborative initiative created to prepare our region for Community-Based Care.  Our attention is focused on two primary goals: Developing a collaborative approach to bringing Community Based Care to Region 7 Supporting measurable positive change initiatives in communities across the region, where families are supported, children are safe, and placements of outside of

Practice Self-Regulation: Training for Clinicians

3.5 day CSEY IN-PERSON Training Practice Self-Regulation for Clinicians The Center will be hosting a 3.5-Day In-Person Training: Practice Self-Regulation Practice Self-Regulation™️ (PS-R) is a resilience-based, trauma-informed intervention promoting health and well-being for anyone impacted by adverse experiences. Grounded in leading-edge neuroscience, PS-R teaches participants to put past trauma in a new light, manage emotions in

CBC 7 Community Conversation – Brazos County

CBC7 is a collaborative initiative created to prepare our region for Community-Based Care.  Our attention is focused on two primary goals: Developing a collaborative approach to bringing Community Based Care to Region 7 Supporting measurable positive change initiatives in communities across the region, where families are supported, children are safe, and placements of outside of

CBC 7 Community Conversation – Travis County

    Join us for this Travis County convening is in partnership with Travis County Collaborative for Children (TCCC). CBC7 is a collaborative initiative created to prepare our region for Community-Based Care. Our attention is focused on two primary goals: Developing a collaborative approach to bringing Community Based Care to Region 7 Supporting measurable positive change

T3C Office Hours

The Texas Center for Child and Family Studies and DFPS are excited to partner together on T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours will be regularly scheduled and will allow Licensed Providers to drop in and ask any questions you may have about T3C.  Whether you've got a question about T3C Requirements, updated Blueprints, FAQs, Rates &

CSE-IT User Training, June 2024


The Center will be hosting the 4 hour training: Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT) User Training WestCoast’s Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “see it”) is a validated screening tool that helps identify children who are commercially sexually exploited (CSE). The CSE-IT is appropriate for use by any provider serving youth, including child welfare workers,

CQI Lab: Session 6 – Collecting Program Data

The TACFS Systems Advancement team is producing a monthly live series that supports organizations on their journey to implement continuous improvement and evaluation activities that are required in certain T3C service packages. Ten topics that build upon each other have been identified for inclusion in the series. The series will be interactive allowing participants the

T3C Technology Needs Training

T3C requires providers to have information technology (IT) systems that allow for data collection to support quality assurance, continuous quality improvement, case management documentation, billing, reporting, child level outcomes and outcomes for children at the foster home level, referral, admission and discharge data. This training will orient providers to the T3C requirements and with considerations

T3C Office Hours

The Texas Center for Child and Family Studies and DFPS are excited to partner together on T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours will be regularly scheduled and will allow Licensed Providers to drop in and ask any questions you may have about T3C.  Whether you've got a question about T3C Requirements, updated Blueprints, FAQs, Rates &

T3C and Building an Aftercare Program

Join us for an interactive webinar about Building an Aftercare Program. DFPS will be present to discuss the requirements of Aftercare services for T3C service packages. We will have a special guest from Sycamores in California to talk about the benefits of providing aftercare programming. Additionally, we will have a panel discussion with providers in

CQI Lab #7: Q/A and Publicly Available Data (DFPS Data Book)

As we continue in our series, we want to pause and give everyone a chance to ask questions about the material we have covered so far. Whether you have a question on logic models, forming evaluation questions, designing a program evaluation or measurement tools, please let us know! If you have a question, others probably

Creating Safe Spaces for Children

As is evident by its title, this training will focus on creating safe spaces for children. An exploration of Helping Hand Home for Children's newly built facilities, both residential and charter school, will occur. Design concepts and their intentions, (to help children begin the healing process from the chronic and chronic complex trauma they are

T3C Office Hours

The Texas Center for Child and Family Studies and DFPS are excited to partner together to announce virtual T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours will be regularly scheduled and will allow Licensed Providers to drop in and ask any questions you may have about T3C. Whether you’ve got a question about T3C requirements, updated Blueprints,

Alliance for Our Futures: Strategic Sharing Virtual Workshop

Want to find your voice and learn how sharing your story can help others? Come learn how to reframe foster care experiences as expertise and how to safely tell stories by retaining boundaries. Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to: - Share personal stories in a healthy and purposeful manner (Story of

Understanding Star Health

Please join us for a session with Superior Health Plan that will showcase important information about accessing clinical and behavioral health services; it will include information about the benefits and service array, working with service coordinators, and denials. T3C service packages have requirements associated with working with service coordinators and utilization of Star Health benefits. 

Post T3C Grant Learning

For Current Residential Providers Information for FY 2025 T3C Transition Grants will be coming soon. Did your T3C grant application in FY 2024 get denied? Are you thinking about applying for a T3C Grant in the future? If so, this workshop is for you! Are you interested in hearing about what we learned through the

Mergers, Partnerships & Acquisitions

Recommended for organizational leaders & Board members T3C may prompt your agency to thinking about forming formal partnerships, merging with another organization to expand your array of services, and possible acquiring an organization or program. If you are unsure where to start exploring and want to learn more about the “whys” and “”how” this training

Continued Stay Guidelines, T3C Information & Learning Session

In the T3C Model providers are called upon to established “Continued Stay Guidelines”.  Providers will be required to conduct periodic reviews to determine why a child continues to require ongoing services in a specific service package.  Additionally, the CANS 3.0 assessment will be a part of the process for determining any adjustments for services that

T3C Office Hours

TACFS and DFPS are excited to partner together in virtual T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours are regularly scheduled and allow Licensed Providers to drop in and ask any questions about T3C. Whether you’ve got a question about T3C requirements, updated Blueprints, credentialing, FAQs, Rates & Funding, Events & Training, or anything else T3C, drop

T3C Office Hours

TACFS and DFPS are excited to partner together in virtual T3C Office Hours! T3C Office Hours are regularly scheduled and allow Licensed Providers to drop in and ask any questions about T3C. Whether you’ve got a question about T3C requirements, updated Blueprints, credentialing, FAQs, Rates & Funding, Events & Training, or anything else T3C, drop

Membership Info Session

Join us for this virtual session focused on TACFS membership. This meeting will cover the types of memberships we offer, their benefits, and more. Whether you have specific questions or are simply curious about membership perks and costs, this is a great opportunity to learn more. Date: January 14, 2025 Time: 10:00 AM (CST) Location: Zoom

Texas Legal Services Center Session 1: Kinship Authorization Agreements

Join TACFS as we partner with attorneys at the Texas Legal Services Center Family Help Line who work with kinship caregivers on common legal issues. Session 1:  Authorization Agreements Texas allows for a person other than a parent to perform common duties like school enrollment, obtaining medical care, and so forth. However, a specific agreement

Texas Legal Services Center Session 2: Kinship Public Benefits

Join TACFS as we partner with attorneys at the Texas Legal Services Center Family Help Line who work with kinship caregivers on common legal issues. Session 2: Public Benefits - February 20 There are benefits available for some kinship caregivers even if they are not involved in any kind of CPS or legal case. Figuring