Consultation & Technical Assistance


The technical assistance and consultation offered by The Center represents a full continuum of support to help agencies operate and thrive in a rapidly evolving environment. Our work is grounded in a solution-focused and tailored approach and produces actionable recommendations to help organizations maximize impact in their communities.

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Types of Consultation & Technical Assistance We Provide

Clinical Coaching & Consultation

What treatment model should I use?

Includes skill-building and knowledge expansion with specific attention given to child welfare-related clinical modalities and emerging research on best practices.

Research & Evaluation

Is our program making the impact we want?

Includes measuring the impact of an organization or program to help ensure that agencies utilize resources most effectively to maximize intended outcomes for the children and families they serve.

Fixed Price Logic Model

Price: $3000 for TACFS members, $3500 for non-members

What's included: A virtual logic model development session with your program leaders (up to 4 hours) A 1-hour follow-up virtual call to review the initial logic model draft and provide feedback A completed logic model in .doc or .pdf format Other information: The fixed price is for a logic model that corresponds to a single T3C service package; we can provide customized pricing upon request to add on logic models for additional service packages.The final deliverable will be a functional logic model in a table format without graphic design components. If desired, customized pricing can be created that includes travel for an onsite session.

Strategy & Planning

Things are changing around us. What direction should our org go?

Includes creating community profiles to identify needs in a geographic or service area, defining an organization’s role in building service capacity, and facilitating strategic planning that focuses on impact, sustainability, and effective modality implementation.

Continuous Quality Improvement

We need a data system. Where do we start?

Includes using data to assess program quality and drive decision-making, infusing process improvement systems into agency operations, and developing feedback systems for all relevant stakeholder groups.

Responding to Policy & Regulatory Challenges

It feels like we are missing important information and don’t know how to keep up, what should we do?

Includes navigating and understanding policy restrictions and contract requirements/demands from the state and helping organizations construct a path toward progress. 

Networking & Partnership Building

How do we better collaborate with our community leaders, partners, funders and faith-based organizations?

Includes connecting with other organizations for collaboration toward shared goals.

Testimonials for The Center Technical Assistance and Consultation 

“The Center staff really listened and understood the need we were addressing and came up with great interventions/solutions.”

“The technical assistance provided us with knowledge and ideas that are going to improve programming and the services we provide our clients. It will positively impact at all levels within the organization.” 

Request Consultation or Technical Assistance for Your Organization

Pricing depends on project and scope of work. Submit the interest form below or email us at to request consultation or technical assistance for your organization.   

Tell us about yourself and your organization.

Your Name

Tell us about your organization's needs.

Select all the consultation and technical assistance needs that apply to your organization.