Region 3 is comprised of 19 counties, urban and rural, surrounding the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area in north Texas. The region is further divided into smaller areas: Metroplex West (3W) includes seven counties that are under the Community-Based Care (CBC) model and three counties currently operating under the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) legacy system that will be added to the CBC catchment in the future. On March 2, 2020, Our Community Our Kids (OCOK) – a division of ACH Child and Family Services – began stage two of CBC and is currently the Single Source Continuum Care (SSCC) provider in this area. Metroplex East (3E) is made up of 9 counties currently operating under the DFPS legacy system. This area is in the planning stages for CBC implementation, with a fiscal year 2023 stage 1 transition date target. Region 3 has a total population of about 8.4 million and includes two of the three largest counties in the state, Dallas and Tarrant.Using data made available by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), this community profile provides insights about children and families who are involved with the child welfare system. This profile, a point in time review, reflects data available at the time of publication1 and is intended to serve as an information resource to improve public awareness and engagement to support children, families, and providers in Region 3.