About This Priority
Recent state investments have helped sustain capacity in the foster care system, but it is essential that legislators continue to make investments to help community-based organizations build and deliver the range of services that children and youth in foster care need. At a time when child welfare faces significant shortages of qualified workers, support through rate increases or dedicated funding would help organizations provide needed staffing levels. It is also important that the state focus on well-funded, well-implemented Community-Based Care and implementing a rate methodology that will reflect the cost of care rather than outdated formulas.
Maintain temporary rate increases established by HB 5 (87S2) and increase rates not covered through add-on payments.
Invest in IV-E eligible settings including supervised independent living, family foster care, and Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs).
Implement foster care rate modernization.
Continue implementation of and investments in Community-Based Care that reflect current costs and expected desired improvements.
Invest in IMPACT interoperability and improvements.
Rate Modernization

Rates & Placement Types
Learn more about our specific recommendations around rates and placement types.