Foster Angels of South Texas is a dedicated organization that has been supporting foster families and youth throughout South Texas for nearly 25 years. During our recent visit with Hilary Jackson, several key insights and inspiring initiatives highlighted the incredible work they are doing despite significant challenges. 

Building partnerships in Laredo has been a particular challenge, but Foster Angels of South Texas has demonstrated remarkable resilience in overcoming these obstacles. Their determination to provide essential support to foster families and youth remains unwavering. 

As a TACFS member, Foster Angels of South Texas is eager to strengthen connections with other organizations in the network that operate similarly to theirs. Hilary Jackson expressed the importance of collaboration, learning best practices, and sharing ideas with fellow members. 

Staying informed about the evolving needs of the child welfare community is a priority for them to ensure their resources are allocated effectively. 

Looking to the future, Foster Angels of South Texas has exciting plans. They recently launched the Heart Gallery of South Texas, a project aimed at raising awareness about foster care. 

Foster Angels of South Texas wants the community and providers to know they are here to fill critical gaps, addressing basic needs and life-enhancing opportunities. Their quick response time—always within 48 hours—shows their commitment to ensuring every child, youth, and family they serve feels valued and supported.