St. Jude’s Ranch for Children — also known as SJRC Texas — will manage foster care services in South Texas as part of the state’s Community-Based Care (CBC) system, which is transforming the way services are provided.
SJRC Texas is a valued member of TACFS and a community pillar. Its work for the past 40 years has helped thousands of kids and families. DFPS and Greg Abbott this week announced the agency’s new role in 27 counties around Bexar County this week.
“The expansion of Community-Based Care in South Texas is an important step in ensuring our child welfare system continues to serve Texas children with the care and compassion that they deserve,” Abbott said. “We will continue to support CBC and prioritize the needs of young Texans in our child welfare system.”

Texas has long relied on mission-driven community organizations to provide direct services and care for at-risk children and families. In 2017, the Legislature created CBC, which transfers functions related to foster care services from the DFPS to a lead, non-profit organization and its network of community organizations.
“Each child in foster care belongs to a community, a town or a city,” DFPS Commissioner Jaime Masters said. “It follows, then, that the housing, care and any necessary treatment of these vulnerable children and young people should come from those communities, with state oversight.”
DFSP Commissioner Jaime Masters
SJRC Texas is the fifth CBC contractor in Texas, with the state’s goal being to implement CBC statewide by 2029.
Tara Roussett, the CEO of SJRC Texas explained after the announcement: “We have a plan for children to stay geographically close to their home communities where they will be supported by an excellent network of local services overseen by SJRC. We look forward to working with our community partners to bring positive outcomes for families and children.”