Throughout January, we have brought focus to an issue that tragically impacts children and families across Texas: human trafficking. In our Human Trafficking (HT) Awareness Month campaign, #EvenOneIsTooMany, we have highlighted relevant articles, facts, and stories capturing the hard truths faced by some vulnerable children and youth across the state.

Over the past couple of years, our team has had the honor of partnering with the Office of Governor Greg Abbott (OOG) to bring needed attention to issue of human trafficking and highlight the work child- and family-serving organizations are doing to prevent this crime. This year, we continued our partnership with OOG by hiring a Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY) Project Coordinator and Survivor Leader, Sarah Hall, to spearhead capacity building and program growth for organizations across the state with CSEY-specific programs. A social media video introducing Sarah can be found in our Facebook video library.

As this month comes to a close, we are continuing to promote community organizations and their fight to prevent human trafficking through our Facebook Live Series, Let’s Talk About It, airing Wednesday, January 27 at 2:30 PM. For this month’s episode we will be joined by SJRC Texas CEO Tara Roussett, our CSEY Project Coordinator/ Survivor Leader, Sarah Hall, and our Director of Learning, Tiffany Greco, to discuss how to talk about trafficking and to provide more information about prevention and early intervention programs.

Tune in live on Wednesday or follow us on Facebook to watch the live stream recording later on.

As 2021 continues, we are all united in saying #EvenOneIsTooMany.

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