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The Friday Connection

September 29, 2023 | 9:00am


The Friday Connection

Welcome back to the Friday Connection! The name is changed, but the connection continues! Join TACFS staff this month to hear from experts in the field on Secondary Trauma.

As always, we know the topic is heavy, so we try to keep it lite. Our role is to create a safe space for peer learning, and education. We will always bring in a diverse set of guest speakers that have worked to support specific populations and we will highlight one every month. Any suggestions, send them in!

We can’t wait to see you again! Grab your team and join us for an informative and encouraging Friday!

    • Join TACFS/TX Center TBRI Practitioners and special guests on the last Friday of every month! Over the course of 9 months, TX Center staff will facilitate rich conversations with peers and guest speakers.
    • Participants can attend the entire 10-month series or just drop in any time!
    • The training series is great for anyone new to Trauma Informed Care and for those looking to learn about Trauma Informed Practices with Special Populations.

Audience: Providers  – all levels

When: Last Friday of every month from 9-11 AM

Cost: Free to TACFS Members/$15 per session for non-members

Registration required.