April 15, 2024 | 10:00am
AttendTACFS/The Center will be hosting a series of T3C Readiness workshops in April.
Who is invited? Licensed providers who contract with either DFPS or a Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC).
These workshops will be an opportunity for providers to start digging into the details on T3C and are meant to help prepare organizations for planning and implementation efforts.
We will introduce an online T3C Readiness Assessment Tool that will aid providers in assessing their readiness and organizational needs. Bring your laptop! It will be a busy and interactive day. We will talk about the Blueprint, how to align your business to the T3C model and capacity needs, and introduce and start your individual organizational assessment.
Providers may bring only two staff per organization but should prioritize attendance for individuals who can examine their organization’s readiness and strategic business planning. These workshops are designed to provide education about T3C and to assist providers as they identify and prepare for the service package(s) they will deliver.
Time: 10:00-3:00, Lunch included
April 15: DePelchin Children’s Center, 4950 Memorial Dr, Houston, 77007 – Conference Center (Only 2 staff per organization please.)