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Region 10 Community Convening

May 29, 2024 | 9:30am


Please join us for a conversation about how to best meet the needs of children and families who are involved in the foster care system in El Paso.  We will share findings from our newly published Region 10 Community Profile, informed by data and stakeholder interviews.

During our time together, we will engage in interactive discussions to identify community priorities and actions that can be taken to address critical needs.

Discussion topics will include:

  • Meeting youth mental and behavioral health needs to prevent entry into foster care and support successful outcomes for kids in care
  • Supporting grandparents and other family members who become foster parents and wrapping around all families to promote positive placements
  • Keeping children in their local communities during their stay in foster care

May 29, 2024, 9:30 a.m. to noon (El Paso time) in El Paso, TX