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Going Paperless: Improved Performance in a Pandemic and Heightened Monitoring Environment

October 21, 2021 | 9:00am

Virtual – TFC Webinar


A panel of four (4) agencies discuss how the decision to launch a “paperless” data management system has significantly improved their ability to manage compliance and outcomes in a pandemic and heightened monitoring environment. They share their experiences of either launching it from the outset or transitioning from paper to electronic data management: (a) the compelling reasons, (b) the challenges, (c) the requirements, (d) the steps involved, and (e) the benefits.

Learning Objectives:

  1. The compelling need for an electronic data management system
  2. The challenges of transitioning from a “paper” system to an electronic data management system
  3. The requirements of launching and executing an electronic data management system
  4. The steps of launching and executing an electronic data management system
  5. The benefits of launching and executing an electronic data management system

Panel Members:

  1. Foster Texas, LLC—Robert Leal, Agency Administrator (from outset)
  2. Circle of Living Hope—Christine Weber, CFO (In transition: Barriers/Resolution)
  3. Families Especial—Joban Baez, LCPAA (Successful Transition)
  4. St. Francis—Christian Garcia, Reg. VP or Scott Mansfield, Dir. Foster Care or Sabrina (transition)
  5. Rock Solid Foundation, LLC—Ron Brown, CEO and Mark Glenn, COO; Erin Martin,  Dir. of ODI (host/mediate)

Target Audience: Quality Assurance staff; LCPAA’s, LCCA’s; CPMS’s; PLSP’s; IT staff; others as interested