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T3C: Technology Virtual Vendor Showcase, for Providers

February 10, 2025 | 1:00pm


T3C requires that all providers engage in selection and utilization of a computer system(s) that includes hardware, software, and equipment operated by provider staff (users) and allows for data collection to support Quality Assurance, Continuous Quality Improvement, case management documentation, billing/invoicing, reporting, and child-level outcome tracking processes in a manner that protects confidentiality, and meets industry standards for secure data storage.

Come join us for a showcase to hear from vendors from three companies that provide electronic case management software systems to support T3C requirements.

You will have an opportunity to hear, see and learn more about some of the options available to providers.



Jamie Martinez, Business Development Manager, Rock Solid Foundation

Dave Martin, Lauris Online

Liz VanAcker, Chief Operating Officer, Five Points Technology