Texas Child-Centered Care, or T3C, is a new system designed to transform the state’s foster care system. In January 2025, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services will start credentialing organizations to provide T3C services — the credentialing process runs through August 2027.

That makes this a vital time for providers and organizations get training on new T3C processes and requirements — and the challenges and opportunities that will come with those changes.

The Center offers a wide-range of courses to help you and your organization prepare for the changes that T3C will bring.



Office Hours

T3C Office Hours are available for Licensed Providers only and will allow those providers to ask burning questions and learn from other’s experience. There is no need to register.


Technology Vendor Showcase

Come join us for a showcase to hear from vendors from three companies that provide electronic case management software systems to support T3C requirements. You will have an opportunity to hear, see and learn more about some of the options available to providers.

Feb. 10, 1PM - 2PM

Treatment and Logic Models Learning Session

An informative discussion with Youth For Tomorrow, Arrow (4 Kids 4 Families) and Pressley Ridge (Texas Family Care Network) to dig in deeper on the requirements associated with treatment and logic models. Submit questions ahead to info@t3cready.org

Jan. 27, 2025, 9AM - 10:15AM

Mergers & Partnerships

T3C may prompt your agency to thinking about forming formal partnerships, merging with another organization to expand your array of services, and possible acquiring an organization or program. If you are unsure where to start exploring and want to learn more about the “whys” and “”how” this training is for you.   The training will include information on various types of partnership and how they can be structured, how to start a conversation with a potential partner organization, and what a nonprofit should consider in terms of partnership development when facing organizational challenges that require hard decisions.

Financial Modeling/Business Planning

Guidance and discussion on consideration of service packages and business planning for T3C. Technical training on developing financial model in consideration of T3C.

Writing Policies & Procedures

How to successfully update policies and procedures to adequately incorporate treatment model & other T3C requirements.

Aftercare: A Deeper Dive

Detailed information and guidance on best practices and requirements associated with aftercare, how to develop documentation/forms.

Kinship Caregiver Support Services

Workshop that digs in on practices & requirements associated with providing the Kinship Add-On Service Package and links it to the Best Practice manual.

Change Management

Considerations in navigating significant change efforts successfully. Targeting middle management staff.

Paneling & Credentialing (Medicaid)

A practical guide to the entire process of paneling & credentialing to provide behavioral health services.

Tier 2 Services

Deep dive into what it takes to provide Tier 2 services.

CQI Lab Continues

Supports organizations on their journey to implement continuous improvement and evaluation activities that are required in certain T3C service packages.

Available On Demand

This webinar replay introduces examples of treatment models, application in the residential setting, and explores how requirements are monitored and enforced by regulatory entities.

This webinar, recorded on 8/27/24, showcases the Superior Health Plan, including information on clinical and behavioral health services, benefits, service array, and working with service coordination.

This training explores how one residential program and charter school designed spaces to help children begin the healing process from chronic or complex trauma and illustrate how spaces promote emotional, psychological, and physical safety.

This course provides a foundational overview on the concept and practice of implementing and embedding a Trauma-Informed Approach at the organizational level. Resources and tools are provided to support organizations’ ongoing efforts.

A seven-part series to support providers on their journey to implement continuous improvement and evaluation activities that are required in certain T3C service packages.

In the T3C Model providers are called upon to established “Continued Stay Guidelines”.  Providers will be required to conduct periodic reviews to determine why a child continues to require ongoing services in a specific service package.  Additionally, the CANS 3.0 assessment will be a part of the process for determining any adjustments for services that a child may need.Watch this recorded Information & Learning Session to hear more about this requirement and how these changes should be considered as you develop policies and procedures to meet T3C requirements.

TACFS recorded live session featuring special guests that discuss requirements of aftercare for T3C service packages, benefits of providing aftercare, and a panel discussion with providers that are implementing aftercare services. 

T3C requires providers to have information technology (IT) systems that allow for data collection to support quality assurance, continuous quality improvement, case management documentation, billing, reporting, child level outcomes and outcomes for children at the foster home level, referral, admission and discharge data. This training  orients providers to the T3C requirements and with considerations for identifying a software package to meet these requirements. National Center for Community Based Child Welfare CEO Carrie Bolm and COO Chad Collins present. 

Other Resources

Supports for Youth 14+

This webinar covered benefits and opportunities associated with this population and practices for serving youth. Find the slides and some external resources here.

Contact Us


We’ve got questions, and we know you’ve got them too.  While we can assure you that more info is coming soon, drop us a line if you’ve got a question. 

If you’ve got mechanical questions about the Blueprint or T3C structure or requirements, please contact DFPS below. 

For questions about training opportunities, consultation, and more, please email us!